Rating System

How I rate:

1 star. The book has many errors and in my opinion needs to be re-edited or relooked at.. I personally do not have the best grammar or spelling so if I can see errors like this then the book is pretty poorly written. I rarely give out one stars.

2 stars- needs some more work. There might be issues with plot points were I am confused or unsure of what is happening.

3 stars. The book was average for me. I liked it but didn’t love it. It isn’t a bad read but it didn’t blow my mind. It is a book that might be easy forgotten about.

4 stars. The book was really good. I enjoyed reading it. I most likely will read more of a series or more books by this author.

5 stars. Blown away. The book made me think and left a impression were I will be thinking about it for weeks. I most likely will reread it again. Love it. I need more of the series or more books by the author.

DNF – Did not finish. The book isn’t necessarily bad or good. I might not be interested or it may be boring to me. I can’t get hooked into it which doesn’t mean its a bad book, it’s just not my taste.