Book Reviews

The Sunbearer Trails by Aidan Thomas

I think that this book is for fans of The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, Divergent, and anything dystopian and fantasy.

The Sunbearer Trials is a fast-paced read based off of a competition with Demi-gods. The winner of The Sunbearer Trails gets to travel to all the temples and bring life to the Sun Stones. The loser of the trials is the sacrifice to bring that light to the temples. The Sun Stones use the sacrifice to protect the pole of Rhino del Sol for ten years.

We follow Teo who is a Jade and the son of the Goddess of Birds. He is also transgender. Teo has never worried about the trails. Being a Jade he is the lowest type of demi-god and therefore not looked at to be picked in the trails Only the demi-gods who go to the academy are usually picked.

But for the first time in a century, Sol chooses two Jades, Teo and 13-year-old Xio. Teo feels like he needs to protect Xio as they are taken to the trails to compete.

I found this book hard to put down. This was just the type of book that I like to read. I loved the diversity in it, the world, and the theme. I did not see the ending coming and I NEED the next book soon! I can’t wait to see what is next in this adventure.

I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars.