
What are you reading Wednesday? 6-29-2022

I can’t believe this is the last Wednesday of June 2022. This month has passed so fastI have to remember to get my June wrap up together very soon.

This week I finished 1 book on audio and that was The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. This book has been very hyped on TikTok lately and I am here for it. It was a very deep read. However I think the ending fell threw for me. The bulk of the book was so good and toward the end I felt like the author gave up and just ended the story. There was so many different ways this book could have ended and explored and yet it was just…over done. I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars.

I am currently reading Take me With You When You go by David Levithan and Jennifer Niven. I am about a third in. I am listing to this on audiobook as well.

I ALSO need to finish the Sunbearer Trails by Aiden Thomas like I said I would finish last week and have not. My eArc on net-galley is expiring very soon. This is one of my most anticipated read for this year so I have to get this done.

What are you reading for the last week of June?