
What are you reading Wednesday? 6-29-2022

I can’t believe this is the last Wednesday of June 2022. This month has passed so fastI have to remember to get my June wrap up together very soon.

This week I finished 1 book on audio and that was The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. This book has been very hyped on TikTok lately and I am here for it. It was a very deep read. However I think the ending fell threw for me. The bulk of the book was so good and toward the end I felt like the author gave up and just ended the story. There was so many different ways this book could have ended and explored and yet it was just…over done. I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars.

I am currently reading Take me With You When You go by David Levithan and Jennifer Niven. I am about a third in. I am listing to this on audiobook as well.

I ALSO need to finish the Sunbearer Trails by Aiden Thomas like I said I would finish last week and have not. My eArc on net-galley is expiring very soon. This is one of my most anticipated read for this year so I have to get this done.

What are you reading for the last week of June?


What are you reading Wednesday. 6-22-2022

This past week I finally went on my 2020 vacation. After 3 years of waiting I went to Buffalo New York, Niagara falls, and Toronto Canada. I was expecting to read a lot more on this trip than I did. But I did finish Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, and Out of the Blue by Jason June.

Harry Potter is my go to audiobook on planes. There is two reasons for this. 1 I have it on audible so its already downloaded and will play on airplane mode. And 2, the biggest reason, if I fall asleep and lose my spot I do not need to go back since I have read this book so many times. I do like Harry Potter a lot, I grew up with it. However I do not agree with the authors personal views. So this will be the only post I will be making about this book.

I did finish Out of the Blue by Jason June. Overall I gave this book a 3.5 out of 5 stars. I had some issues with the story and how it was written. Some spots where confusing. I also did not like that there was so much sex mentioned in the book when the characters are barley 16 years old. There is more to a story than YA sex scenes…and before you say it no, this was not s smut book. I did however love the ideas of this books. How mer-people are thought of. It was a nice story overall.

This week I am kicking my butt into high gear to finish Aiden Thomas new book The Sunbearer Trials. I received this book as a e-ARC in return for a honest review. I really really want to read this one. My problem is lately I have not been reading ebooks or physical books so it has been challenging to get back into a book not as a audiobook.

This week is also Pride week in my State so happy Pride! I hope you have a great day.