Movie Reviews

The Bob’s Burgers Movie

I am a huge fan of Bob’s Burgers. I jumped right onto going out to see the movie. My only flaw was I have not watched the newest season. I wanted to but ran out of time before the movie came out. I highly recommend watching the newest episodes first so you can find the hidden easter egg’s. I am also not the best at finding easter eggs in movies, games, etc. So to me it wasn’t that important to me.

The movies flowed like an extended episode with even more singing and humor than what we normally wouldn’t see on the TV show. The movie follows the Belchers after a sink hole opens up in front of their restaurant during a big festival that is suppose to bring in a lot of people. The kids are of course on it to solve the mystery of the sinkhole.

The only thing I wish they would have done more as I wanted more side characters to come into play. But overall I really liked the movie. It was funny. It was magical. It was Bob’s Burgers. I gave this movie 5 out of 5 stars.

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