Book Reviews

Aces Wild: A Heist by Amanda DeWitt

I received this book as a audiobook ARC for a honest review. 

I jumped right onto this book when I received it. The premise sounded just up my alley.

Aces Wild is about Jack who’s whole family is into gambling, and games. His family owns a popular hotel in Las Vegas so he has grown up around the world of the strip. When his mom suddenly gets arrested, Jack decides to try to play games of his own to find out the man who double-crossed his mom and got her arrested.

But he can’t do it alone. He decides to call on his close friends for help. His friends are all from an online group, and none have ever met in real life. This online group is made up of a sleet of people that he has met online who are the same sexuality as him: asexual.

Together they meet in Las Vegas to take down the group who is going after Jack;s family for their money and the rights to the hotel they own.

I loved this book. It wasn’t your average read. It was different and represents a very small group in the LGBTQ mafia that I feel does not get a lot of attention or recognition

What happens in Vegas when an all-asexual online friend group attempts to break into a high-stakes gambling club? Shenanigans ensue.

Some people join chess club, some people play football. Jack Shannon runs a secret blackjack ring in his private school’s basement. What else is the son of a Las Vegas casino mogul supposed to do? 

Everything starts falling apart when Jack’s mom is arrested for their family’s ties to organized crime. His sister Beth thinks this is the Shannon family’s chance to finally go straight, but Jack knows that something’s not right. His mom was sold out, and he knows by who. Peter Carlevaro: rival casino owner and jilted lover. Gross. 

Jack hatches a plan to find out what Carlevaro’s holding over his mom’s head, but he can’t do it alone. He recruits his closest friends—the asexual support group he met through fandom forums. Now all he has to do is infiltrate a high-stakes gambling club and dodge dark family secrets, while hopelessly navigating what it means to be in love while asexual. Easy, right?