
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

I have been wanting to re-read this book for some time, and this year I made it a goal to do so. I am a fan of Rainbow Rowell for a while. I hope to one day read all of her books that she has written and any future books.

Fangirl follows Cath who has been writing Simon Snow fan fiction for a while. We follow her and her twin sister as they start their first year of college.

I relate to Cath a lot. I feel like a lot of the feelings she has in college, I also had in college and like many more will discover and walk through. Cath has a hard time letting go of her old high school habits like writing Simon Snow fan fiction. Simon Snow is similar to Harry Potter in our world. Cath only finds comfort in Simon Snow as her world turns upside down in college. She and her sister find different interests and seem to drift apart. Her dad goes through health issues while she is away/. And college is hard. Getting kicked out of the nest and having to discover yourself again is tough.

I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars. I want to purchase the comics and hopefully be able to update you on how those compare to the book.

To Be Read, Uncategorized

Weekend Reading Update

This past week at work has been crazy! I am training a new store manager for one of our other locations so my lunch breaks haven’t been as long as usual. I usually sit at my local coffee shop to write these blog posts and catch up on my next review I want to do. But that wasn’t possible the last few days. So I missed Wednesday’s Reading update blog post. So instead am I here to present this weeks weekend reading update! Yay!

Because I have been busy at work I also have not read a lot. I am currently reading 3 books. Crazy I know. I have this awful habit of reading multiple books at once. Two of these books are audiobooks.

So far Bear Town by Fredrik Backman, has me hooked. I am half way threw and have so many theories of the ending of this book. It doesn’t help that I have also started to get into a new Neflix show while I am reading this book. I am a Killer on Netflix has me wondering what motives are going to lead us to the end of this book. I am truly a true crime junkie that refuses to get sucked into all the shows and podcasts that are out there.

I am also listening to Twin Crowns by Catherine Doyle. I received this book as a ARC from the publisher after it was released. This book came out last month, I believe so it is still new. I have always wanted to read a book like this. Basically there are twin princesses but one was separated at brith. It’s like the Parent Trap of fantasy YA books.

Lasting I am still working on The Sunbearer Trails by Aidan Thomas. I am getting hunger game vibes from tis book and can’t wait to see where it goes. I want to see how The Hunger Games and this book will match. I have so many questions of what will happen.

What do you plan on doing this weekend? I am working everyday for the next two weeks so I am hoping to get in some reading time. What are you going to read this weekend?

Book Reviews

Out of The Blue by Jason June

Jason June has been an author on my “need to read” list since last year. I was super excited to see Jason come out with a new book this year and knew I needed to read it and not let it sit on my shelf as most books do.

I saw Out of the Blue get hyped pretty well on TikTok and instagram. I think it was a good summer read. We follow Crest who has to go on a journey on land to help one human. Crest tumbles into Sean’s life and decides that Sean is the human he will help. However, Crest has never seen or been in the human world before because Crest is a mer-person, or mermaid.

Sean was recently dumped by his boyfriend and the last thing he needs is to babysit Crest. Not knowing Crest is a mer-person, Sean finds himself seeing Crest every day and can’t figure out why this kid keeps following him around. It low key stalkerish.

I liked the idea of mer-people being non-binary. In a way it just made sense. However, I struggled with the narration of the story. It was hard to follow between characters’ ideas and actions. There seemed to be a conflict between the characters’ development and narrative. I personally did not like that almost every chapter all Crest could think of was sex. This is not a smut book and I felt like it was overused and done in an uncomfortable way.It was pretty cringe when Crest would bring up the topic. But that wasn’t the only hard-to-read spot. The characters go back in forth with wanting a relationship to being just fired which I felt was done in a poor way and just needed to be cleaned up to work.

I did enjoy the story that was trying to be told but overall it just needed a little more development to be a really good novel. I gave this book 3 out of 5 stars

Book Reviews

Icebreaker by A.L. Graziadei

I decided to subscribe to rainbow Crate each month. Icebreaker was the first book from Rainbow Crate that I have decided to read. This follows Mickey James who is a college freshman, and a hockey player who is promised to become a NHL legend like his father and grandfather before him. The only problem is Jaysen Caulfield, one of Mickey’s reveals now turned team mate.

I enjoyed this read. I thought it brought forth a lot of issues that we don’t usually see in books such as mental health. The author really based this book around Mickey’s mental health and his battle with depression. This is a enemy to lovers romance based around hockey. I loved the writing style and the story.

The only issue I had with this book was I felt like it was missing something. I am a drama seeker. I need a book to have a big drama spot. And yes there is drama in this but not as much as I personally liked. I just needed something big to happen and felt like I was waiting for something that never happened.

I gave this book 4 out of 5 star.

“Seventeen-year-old Mickey James III is a college freshman, a brother to five sisters, and a hockey legacy. With a father and a grandfather who have gone down in NHL history, Mickey is almost guaranteed the league’s top draft spot. 

The only person standing in his way is Jaysen Caulfield, a contender for the #1 spot and Mickey’s infuriating (and infuriatingly attractive) teammate. When rivalry turns to something more, Mickey will have to decide what he really wants, and what he’s willing to risk for it.

This is a story about falling in love, finding your team (on and off the ice), and choosing your own path.”

Book Reviews

The Song Of Achilles by Madeline Miller

I read this book in 2018 when it was first starting to get traction. I am not the biggest fan of greek mythology but I really enjoyed this book. It started to get popular again on TikTok last year so I reread it. And it did not disappoint.

This is the story of Achilles and his relationship with Patroclus. It plays with the idea of them being more than friends even though that is not how the mythology goes. Like I said I do not follow mythology that much so to me these names and ranks really don’t mean a lot to me. But even with that I found a lot of joy in this book. Both times I read it I gave the book 5 out of 5 stars.

“Achilles, “the best of all the Greeks,” son of the cruel sea goddess Thetis and the legendary king Peleus, is strong, swift, and beautiful, irresistible to all who meet him. Patroclus is an awkward young prince, exiled from his homeland after an act of shocking violence. Brought together by chance, they forge an inseparable bond, despite risking the gods’ wrath.

They are trained by the centaur Chiron in the arts of war and medicine, but when word comes that Helen of Sparta has been kidnapped, all the heroes of Greece are called upon to lay siege to Troy in her name. Seduced by the promise of a glorious destiny, Achilles joins their cause, and torn between love and fear for his friend, Patroclus follows. Little do they know that the cruel Fates will test them both as never before and demand a terrible sacrifice.”

Wrap Up's

May Wrap Up 2022

I read 11 books in May. I didn’t realize how much I had read. I was sick for a week so that gave me a good chance to read. I usually do not read this month. But here are all the books I read and what I rated them.

Heartstopper by Alice Oseman Volume 1-3, each one I gave 5 out of 5 stars.

The Cruel Prince, The Wicked King and The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black. I gave all 3 books 4 out of 5 stars.

Ellen Outside the Lines by A.J. Sass I gave 5 out of 5 stars.

I Kissed shara Wheeler by Casey McQuiston, I gave 4 out of 5 stars.

Witching’s by Claribel A. Ortega, I gave this one 5 out of 5 stars.

Anxious People by Fedrik Backman, I gave this 5 out of 5 stars.

I did DNF one book this month and that was A Veil of Gods and Kings by Nicole Bailey.

How many books did you read last month?

Book Reviews, Uncategorized

Long Way Down By Jason Reynolds

If you love poetry this is a must read. This collection of poems that tell the story of Will. The book takes place in a elevator ride that in real time only lasts less than a minutes. But as Will is faced with a huge choice it feels like a life time has gone by, by the end of the book. I was hooked onto this book. It is a book I could have read in one sitting if I hadn’t started it at work and had to hide in the bathroom to read it.

Will’s brother is murdered and Will decided he is going to revenge his brother. Will knows exactly who could have murdered his brother so he is going to take matters into his own hands.

I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars.

“A cannon. A strap.
A piece. A biscuit.
A burner. A heater.
A chopper. A gat.
A hammer
A tool
for RULE

Or, you can call it a gun. That’s what fifteen-year-old Will has shoved in the back waistband of his jeans. See, his brother Shawn was just murdered. And Will knows the rules. No crying. No snitching. Revenge. That’s where Will’s now heading, with that gun shoved in the back waistband of his jeans, the gun that was his brother’s gun. He gets on the elevator, seventh floor, stoked. He knows who he’s after. Or does he? As the elevator stops on the sixth floor, on comes Buck. Buck, Will finds out, is who gave Shawn the gun before Will took the gun. Buck tells Will to check that the gun is even loaded. And that’s when Will sees that one bullet is missing. And the only one who could have fired Shawn’s gun was Shawn. Huh. Will didn’t know that Shawn had ever actually USED his gun. Bigger huh. BUCK IS DEAD. But Buck’s in the elevator? Just as Will’s trying to think this through, the door to the next floor opens. A teenage girl gets on, waves away the smoke from Dead Buck’s cigarette. Will doesn’t know her, but she knew him. Knew. When they were eight. And stray bullets had cut through the playground, and Will had tried to cover her, but she was hit anyway, and so what she wants to know, on that fifth floor elevator stop, is, what if Will, Will with the gun shoved in the back waistband of his jeans, MISSES.

And so it goes, the whole long way down, as the elevator stops on each floor, and at each stop someone connected to his brother gets on to give Will a piece to a bigger story than the one he thinks he knows. A story that might never know an END…if WILL gets off that elevator”

Book Reviews

Ship It by Britta Lundin

I bought this book back in 2019. It was recommended to me and I just never really picked it up until recently. I was not excepting what this book had to store. I wish I saw more people reading this book. I think a lot of readers would like this one.

We follow Claire who is going to her first comic-con. I personally have never been to comic-con (or how Denver calls it, Pop Culture Con) but have always wanted to go. Claire is obsessed with two actors from the new TV show Demon Heart and is even in fandoms where the two main characters are shipped together. During a Q&A event Claire asks what everyone else wants to know, are the two main characters gay. Everyone laughs and Forrest one of the leads even pushes it off in a rude manor.

To try to mend ways with he LGBTQ+ community the Demon Heart PR team let Claire “win” tickets to follow the Demon Heart cast to all the cons to “mend ways” Of course Claire already knows this is a joke but rolls with it since they are willing to give her anything she wants.

Buckle in for a ride. I did really enjoy this books and I think it has a lot of great points about how cast members to TV shows should act around fans, and about how celebrity’s are humans too,

I gave this book s 4 out of 5 stars.

CLAIRE is a sixteen-year-old fangirl obsessed with the show Demon Heart. FOREST is an actor on Demon Heart who dreams of bigger roles. When the two meet at a local Comic-Con panel, it’s a dream come true for Claire. Until the Q&A, that is, when Forest laughs off Claire’s assertion that his character is gay. 

Claire is devastated. After all, every last word of her super-popular fanfic revolves around the romance between Forest’s character and his male frenemy. She can’t believe her hero turned out to be a closed-minded jerk. Forest is mostly confused that anyone would think his character is gay. Because he’s not. Definitely not.

Unfortunately for Demon Heart, when the video of the disastrous Q&A goes viral, the producers have a PR nightmare on their hands. In order to help bolster their image within the LGBTQ+ community-as well as with their fans-they hire Claire to join the cast for the rest of their publicity tour. What ensues is a series of colorful Comic-Con clashes between the fans and the show that lead Forest to question his assumptions about sexuality and help Claire come out of her shell. But how far will Claire go to make her ship canon? To what lengths will Forest go to stop her and protect his career? And will Claire ever get the guts to make a move on Tess, the very cute, extremely cool fanartist she keeps running into? Ship It is a funny, tender, and honest look at all the feels that come with being a fan”