Book Reviews

D’Vaughn and Kris Plan a Wedding by Chencia C. Higgins

I received an audiobook ARC for an honest review.

“Instant I Do” is a reality TV show where contestants have to convince their family that the strangers they just met have proposed and they are getting married. D’Vaughn Miller is trying to come out of her shell and try something new. She casts for the TV show and doesn’t think she will get very far. She is partnered with Kris Zavala who has recently become a big influencer on social media. Can they convince their family in 6 weeks that they are getting married? If one family member doesn’t believe they are getting married then, they are off the show.

This book caught my eye by the cover. I absolutely fell in love with the cover art. I fell in love with the idea of a wedding-type reality TV show where you have to convince your family and friends that you are getting married. I really enjoyed this book. It is a fluffy rom-com that is sapphic. It is different from many trending rom-coms out there and I hope more people will pick this one up. I loved how diverse it is and that it includes a main character who is plus-sized.

The only thing I wish there was more of was seeing the other competitors on the show paper or in the book. Many can argue that would be more fluff but being a reality TV junkie I think it would have been interesting if another couple was paired at the same venue showing at the same time and there was some drama. You know me and my drama.

This book came out on June 28th of this year.

I gave this book 4.5 out of 5 stars.