
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

I have been wanting to re-read this book for some time, and this year I made it a goal to do so. I am a fan of Rainbow Rowell for a while. I hope to one day read all of her books that she has written and any future books.

Fangirl follows Cath who has been writing Simon Snow fan fiction for a while. We follow her and her twin sister as they start their first year of college.

I relate to Cath a lot. I feel like a lot of the feelings she has in college, I also had in college and like many more will discover and walk through. Cath has a hard time letting go of her old high school habits like writing Simon Snow fan fiction. Simon Snow is similar to Harry Potter in our world. Cath only finds comfort in Simon Snow as her world turns upside down in college. She and her sister find different interests and seem to drift apart. Her dad goes through health issues while she is away/. And college is hard. Getting kicked out of the nest and having to discover yourself again is tough.

I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars. I want to purchase the comics and hopefully be able to update you on how those compare to the book.